Spacebar In graphic editor Workspace, works as the mouse left button.
Esc When a dialog box is opened, cancels and closes it. When an object on the Work page is selected, deselects it.
Tab In the Graphic Editor, when one of the objects is selected, switches selection to the next object.
Del In the Graphic Editor, removes or deletes the selected object(s) from the Workspace.
Arrow Keys In the Graphic Editor, moves the mouse pointer slowly in the corresponding direction. Can also be used to drag and resize objects.
F1 Displays help on the active window.
F2 In the Physical Layout, renames the selected resource.
In the Logical Layout, renames the selected page.
In the Common Objects Layout, renames the selected object.
In the Page Editor, renames the active frame-content overlay.
F3 In the Logical Layout, adds a new page as a child to the selected one.
In the Common Objects Layout, when the Header, Footer, or Common Object pane is active, creates a new Header, Footer, or Common Object respectively.
In the Page Editor, adds a new frame-content overlay to the active frame.
F4 In the Logical Layout, displays the Page Style dialog box for the selected page.
In the Page Editor, displays the Page Style dialog box for the active frame.
F5 In the Physical Layout, deletes the selected resource (empty folder, image, multimedia, other user resource).
In the Logical Layout, deletes the selected page(s) (if it's not the only one).
In the Common Objects Layout, deletes the selected Header(s)/Footer(s)/Common Object(s) (if it's not the default or only one).
In the Page Editor, deletes the active frame-content overlay (if it's not the only one for the frame).
F7 Previews the web site in the defined browser.
F8 Generates the web site.
Alt+Backspace Undoes your last action.
Alt+X Ends and exits the program.
Shift While resizing object, pressing SHIFT enables you to resize object horizontally and vertically proportionally.
Shift+F1 Opens Table of Contents of Online Help
Shift+Ins Copies the object from the clipboard to the Work page.
Shift+Tab In the Graphic Editor, when one of the objects is selected, switches the selection to the previous object.
Shift+Del Removes the selected object (or objects) from the Work page and places it on the clipboard.
Shift+PageUp Moves the object one step forward.
Shift+PageDown Moves the object one step backward.
Shift+Alt+Backspace Redoes the action to which you applied last undo.
Ctrl In graphic editor Workspace, pressing CTRL while dragging duplicates the dragged object.
While resizing object, pressing CTRL enables you to resize object horizontally or vertically in desired amount.
Ctrl+F4 Closes the active window.
Ctrl+F6 Switches to the next window.
Ctrl+A Selects all available objects in Workspace.
Ctrl+C Copies the selected object(s) from the program's Workspace to the clipboard.
Ctrl+D In the Page Editor, sets the active frame-content overlay as default.
In the Physical Layout creates Dynamic Page resource.
Ctrl+E Exports created in the program graphical object into common graphical formats.
In the Physical Layout creates Free Page resource.
Ctrl+F In the Physical Layout, creates a new folder in the selected one.
Ctrl+I In the Physical Layout, creates a new image in the selected folder.
Ctrl+G In the Physical Layout, enables to import a resource.
Ctrl+J In the Physical Layout, imports a Java class file.
Ctrl+L In the Physical Layout creates Plain Page resource.
Ctrl+M In the Physical Layout, imports a multimedia file.
Ctrl+N Displays the New File dialog box to start a new project.
Ctrl+O Displays the File Open dialog box to open a .CNQ or .CTM file.
Ctrl+R In the Physical Layout, imports any file (custom resource).
Ctrl+S Saves the current file.
Ctrl+T Imports created in other editors common graphical format object into the program's Workspace.
Ctrl+U Duplicates the selected object(s) in the program's Workspace.
Ctrl+V Pastes the copied object(s) from the clipboard into the program's Workspace.
Ctrl+X Removes the selected object(s) from the Work page and places it on the clipboard.
Ctrl+Y Redoes the action to which you applied last undo.
Ctrl+Z Undoes your last action.
Ctrl+Ins Copies the selected object (or objects) from the program's Workspace to the clipboard.
Ctrl+'Gray +' Enlarges font size by one point.
Ctrl+'Gray -' Reduces font size by one point.
Ctrl+PageUp In the Graphic Editor, moves the selected object to the front.
Ctrl+PageDown In the Graphic Editor, moves the selected object to the back.
Ctrl+Shift+F6 Switches to the previous window.